75% of customers think the option of a call-back is “highly appealing”. (Forrester Research)

Few interactions more frustrating than being placed on hold, listening to 'hold music' and then receive the receptive "thank you for holding, one of our representatives will be right with you." Your customers also agree. Sixty percent (60%) of your customers will abandon a call after waiting on hold for too long. Sadly hold is a reality in every call center - especially during peak call times. ChaseData's call center software applies automation in order to combat long hold times.

Our system mittigates extended hold times in two ways.

  1. First, customers provide with the option to be called back by PRESSING 7. There after the system selects your best agent (once they have completed their call) and calls back the customer. If this is an existing customer, the agent screen is pre-populated with all of the necessary customer account information and any notes from their previous call. This lowers the customer's frustration by not requiring them to repeat their information.
  2. Our systems are also preset to trigger an automatic call back of any callers who disconnect from hold. Again, existing customer customer account information and any notes from their previous call the agent's screen is pre-populated with all of the necessary customer account information and any notes from their previous call.

While every call center strives to staff and train in order to avoid extended hold times. Having automated systems such as our mitigate bad customer experiences. Learn how ChaseData's useful features solve common challenges in your call center.