Virtually Elminate Profit Eroding Idle Time.

Blended Call Handling Improves Call Center Productivity


A better way to handle variable inbound/outbound call volumes.

Balance the volume of inbound and outbound calls by automatically routing every call to a training/qualified customer facing agents. Blended call center deployments are by far the most popular among our clients and the reason is simple. Blended call centers reduce agent idle-time, reduce wasted payroll while simultaneously increases contact rates (inbound and outbound).


Manage The Routing of Multiple, Simultaneous Campaign Calls. 

Handle multiple customer service, outbound sales, inbound order taking using a single pool of well trained agents  capable of handling each unique call. Incoming calls are routed automatically to qualified agents based on their identified skills. Agent screens are automatically populated with caller information (ex. customer account records,  etc.) and access to any corresponding APPs.

Make Outbound Calls When Incoming  Volumed Are Low.

Most inbound call centers enjoy a relatively stable flow of call patterns throughout the day. These patterns allow savvy call center managers to maximize agent talk time by creating and managing outbound campaigns. With our call center software, agents continue receiving inbound calls. CTI screen pops deliver critical caller information (outbound and inbound) eliminating the need for switching between inbound and outbound software.

Managing Scheduled and Ad-hoc Call-Backs Are A Snap.

Outbound sales call centers typically concentrate on closing deals immediately on outbound sales campaigns. Using our blended call center technology. Call back campaigns can be scheduled for specific days or time of days. Incoming calls from customers are routed to specific agent pools automatically based on a number of parameter such as caller ID, IVR and more.